11X Your Demos and Trials
With the HighTime SaaS Marketing Team

Reached your Product Market Fit and ready to scale? Enhance your SQLs flow through data-driven content marketing!
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11 Years
Our team has broad experience in generating traffic and leads of eCommerce, B2B companies, industry-specific online media, portals, and SaaS businesses
in Content Marketing
9 In-House
Having built 9 content projects from scratch, we know digital marketing from within. We focus on producing effective results without inflating your budget
We’ve launched a number of successful projects in the markets of Germany, France, the USA, and the UAE
in 4 Countries

11X Your Demos and Trials With the HighTime SaaS Marketing Team

HighTime Team

HighTime Team — Your Dedicated Content Marketing Team

Collaboration with SMEs
To create high-value industry-specific content, our authors collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs) to better understand search queries and keywords the customers are using
Growth Team
Our team has over 11 years of experience launching and promoting our own in-house content projects. We know content marketing from A to Z
Before we get to writing the first article, we deeply study your product, market, customers, and competitors to find out what your audience is looking for and what your rivals offer
Deep Dive Into the Subject
Trigger purchase decision during trial period
Foster customer retention
Our content marketing toolbox includes white papers, Power Pages (Hello Brian Dean), interviews, guides, ebooks, and infographics, as well as onboarding and knowledge base content, that help to:
Data-Driven and Growth-Focused Content Strategy
Get your article rank #1 in Google

How We Can Help

What you get: A comprehensive
6-9 month growth strategy
Semantic core and site structure
Competitor analysis
Shift from random promotion activities to a streamlined, data-driven and growth-focused marketing strategy. Together we will develop a detailed roadmap across key digital channels. Our strategists will provide examples, instructions, and guidance along the way
Growth Strategy
Blog content plan
List of websites and directories for link building
Content, design, and development briefs
Traffic and leads forecast
During a FREE 30-minute consultation, we will answer all your questions about growth strategy via Google search
Online Consultation
Content Marketing
As step one, we make sure your website is informative and clear to both customers and Google. Then we manage the project end-to-end, from strategy to content creation and promotion
Our Projects
150,000 monthly visitors
200 articles published
The project was created in 2017 to promote 2 EdTech Apps, online courses, a hosting service, and video editing software. Sold with the X39 multiplier. Results achieved as of 2021:
Sound Recording Online Magazine (USA)
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Read more
90,000 monthly visitors
100 articles published
The project was created in 2017 to promote a website builder and online courses. Sold at x39 the original cost. Results achieved as of 2021:
Educational Portal (USA)
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Read more
7,000 monthly visitors
50 articles published
The project was created in 2020. To run the magazine, we pulled together a team of authors from Germany with backgrounds in school teaching. Project’s goal is to be ranked among Top 3 teacher resources in the German market. Results achieved as of 2021:
Online Magazine for Teachers (Germany)
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4,000 monthly visitors
30 articles published
The project was created in December 2020. Project’s goal is to be ranked among Top 5 resources about musical equipment in the French market. Results achieved as of 2021:
Portal about Musical Equipment (France)

SaaS Services We Promoted in Our In-House Projects

The HighTime Team
Развивает журнал для основателей и руководителей SaaS продуктов HighTime.Media
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Growth Consultation
Ready for a free 30-minute consultation over your product’s growth strategy?
In SaaS marketing, there’re a bunch of killer tactics that yield high results in almost any industry. In-house marketing teams are often focused on familiar channels that already bring leads
During our consultation, I will reveal other prospective channels to tackle, as well as give recommendations on how to streamline your content marketing workflow. Fill in the form below, and I will be happy to look into your product and marketing activities, build a growth strategy, and share it with you in 30 minutes
Roman Makarov
Founder, HighTime Agency
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HighTime Team
LLC HighTime Agency